1 million #SEO tweets

1 Million Unique #SEO Tweets

I have collected 1 Million unique tweets with the hashtag SEO, actually more than 1 Million, precisily 1 111 035  tweets.

SEO Tweets

In the begining of the data collection when there were 100 000 unique tweets, I organized a poll on twitter and asked which twitter profile can be in the top 10 most mentioned list in 100 K collected unique tweets with #SEO.

Twitter SEO Poll

Only 11% of the participants answered as "None" to the poll which is normal. Because an SEO expert expects at least one of the twitter profiles like  @semrush @sengineland @Moz  to be in the top 10 most mentioned list in a collection of  #SEO tweets.

But the reality was different, below you can see top 20 mentioned twitter profiles in 100 K unique tweets.

twitter seo 20 top mentions in 100 K tweets

As seen on the table, @semrush, @sengilenand, @moz are not in top 10 but in top 20 mentioned list.

So when the data collection reached out 1 Million unique tweets,  I analyzed them to find out the top mentioned twitter profiles in them again. The result was not different, the three twitter profiles @semrush, @sengineland, @moz were still not in the  top 10 most mentioned list.

Twitter SEO 20 Most Mentioned in 1 M

Reducing the Noise

In order to reduce the noise, I decided to take into account tweets sent from twitter profiles including SEO in their twitter profile's description which brings down the number of tweets to 253 K unique tweets.

I queried again this new data subset for the top mentions, below are the top 20 mentioned twitter profiles in that new collection of tweets.

top 20 mentioned twitter profiles by the profiles including SEO in their description

This new data set is more SEO wise than the original one because at least we find @semrush at the third position.

Interactive graphs with #SEO Tweets

English SEO Network Mentions on Twitter

On 253 K tweets data, a second language filter is applied to keep  tweets only in English language which results out almost 210 K tweets. On this last data set, an interactive graph is created on mentions. The interactive graph below shows "who mentioned who" in English SEO network. On this graph, there are 21 050 twitter profiles which are represented by nodes and 44 852 mentions which are represented by links. A PageRank computation is applied on the link data, to show the relative importance of each twitter profile. Therefore nodes sizes and colors indicate their importance which is calculated by PageRank algorithm.

English SEO Network Hashtags on Twitter

On 253 K tweets data, a second language  filter is applied to keep tweets only in English language which results out almost 210 K tweets. On this last data set, an interactive graph is created on hashtags. The interactive graph below shows the hashtags used with #SEO and their co-citations in English SEO network. The hashtag #SEO and its co-citations are removed from the last data set in order to have a better view thanks to the recommendation from @SylvainDeaure . On this graph, there are 9 080 hashtags which are represented by nodes and 47 252 co-citations which are represented by links. A PageRank computation is applied on the link data, to show the relative importance of each hashtag. Therefore nodes sizes and colors indicate their importance which is calculated by PageRank algorithm.

French SEO Network Mentions on Twitter

On 253 K tweets data, a second language filter is applied to keep tweets only in French language which results out almost 12 K tweets. On this last data set, an interactive graph is created on mentions. The graph below shows "who mentioned who" in French SEO network. On this graph, there are 1 039 hashtags which are represented by nodes and 3 555 cocitations which are represented by links. A PageRank computation is run on the links, to show the relative importance of each hashtag. Therefore nodes sizes and colors indicate their importance which is calculated by PageRank algorithm.

French SEO Network Hashtags on Twitter

On 253 K tweets data, a second language filter is applied to keep tweets only in French language which results out almost 12 K tweets. On this last data set, an interactive graph is created on hashtags and cocitations of hashtags. The graph below shows "hashtags and cocitations of hashtags" in French SEO network. On this graph, there are 2 536 twitter profiles which are represented by nodes and 6 157 mentions which are represented by links. A PageRank computation is run on the links, to show the relative importance of each twitter profile. Therefore nodes sizes and colors indicate their importance which is calculated by PageRank algorithm.


Thanks for taking time to read this post. I offer consulting, architecture and hands-on development services in web/digital to clients in Europe & North America. If you'd like to discuss how my offerings can help your business please contact me via LinkedIn

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